Surrogate Partner Therapy For Women

surrogate partner therapy for women

What is surrogate partner therapy?

Surrogate partner therapy, also referred to as sex surrogate therapy or surrogate-assisted therapy, is an intimate form of sexual healing. It combines physical closeness with emotional care to deal with a range of sexual challenges that people or couples might face.

This distinctive approach to therapy is particularly advantageous for women battling with issues such as sexual dysfunction, anxiety, past trauma, intimacy issues, or challenges in establishing & maintaining fulfilling sexual relationships. It’s vital to understand, though, that this therapy transcends mere sexual activity. The holistic blend of therapeutic strategies, communication techniques, and genuine support is designed to foster a more profound connection with one’s own body, emotions, and sexual dynamics.

The therapeutic journey encompasses a sequence of sessions where I, as the surrogate partner, collaborate with the client to gently navigate and soothe their sexual concerns. 

Who can benefit from surrogate partner therapy?

  • women with body dysmorphia, negative body image, or physical disfigurement
  • women with shame around sex due to upbringing, religion, or society
  • women with sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or trauma
  • women who are having sexual issues with their primary partner
  • women who have phobias, avoidance, or anxieties about touch, sex, and intimacy
  • women with lack of self-confidence or sexual confidence
  • women with anorgasmia or orgasmic inhibition, have limited or weak orgasms, or have never experienced orgasm 
  • women who have low arousal or sex drive
  • women questioning their sexual orientation
  • women with medical conditions or genital pain, such as vaginismus or vulvodynia
sex surrogate partner therapy

Phases of surrogate partner therapy

These are the usual phases of surrogate partner therapy. Though, keep in mind that everyone & every session is different. We may stay in a certain phase for longer, cut it short, or skip a phase altogether.


We’ll discuss consent & boundaries, followed by calming exercises, then light intimacy such as hand holding, cuddles, eye gazing, & kissing.


We’ll do an undressing ritual until mutual nudity is comfortable. Touch begins to progress as you learn about sex & debunk myths.


Once comfortable with erotic touch, we’ll introduce more sexual activities with the help of sex toys, and potentially full intercourse.


We will celebrate your successes & reflect on our work. We will then decide if another session or program would be beneficial.

Surrogate Sessions

I am currently offering surrogate partner therapy in three special formats: intensives, cohabitations, and retreats.

My meticulously crafted surrogate partner intensive program isn’t just a series of sessions; it’s a voyage into the very depths of your sensuality, an excavation of your erotic self that has been waiting patiently to be discovered and embraced.

This program is thoughtfully designed to heal and invigorate your sensual energy, guiding you step by tantalizing step. Much like a skilled sculptor who uncovers the masterpiece within the marble, we commence our quest with light touch. This is where boundaries begin to dissipate, allowing trust and connectivity to flourish. As we progress, the touch evolves, now deeper, more deliberate – no longer a whisper but a sultry, passionate conversation. This transition to erotic touch isn’t merely about physical sensation; it’s about tapping into the pulsating life force of your erotic being. It’s about wielding the powerful energy that resides within you, transforming it into an elixir of healing & power.

With every session, layers are peeled away, unveiling not just the raw, untamed essence of your erotic self, but also healing wounds and dissipating the shadows cast by past traumas or present anxieties. 

My intensive surrogate partner therapy program is made of 3-hour sessions daily for 5–15 days at a standard rate of $240 per hour.

Imagine a space where the veil between the professional and the personal gently dissolves, inviting a profound exploration of intimacy, trust, and interpersonal dynamics. This, my dear, is the essence of my cohabitation sessions.

Within the comfortable confines of a residential haven, be it a cozy home nestled close to your own adobe or within the familiar walls of your home itself, our days and nights will intertwine, forming an experience rich with learning, discovery, & connection. I aim to ensure that homely warmth & security bathe our shared experiences.

Spanning from a single week to three, each program is meticulously tailored to sync harmoniously with the rhythm of your daily life. It is a testament to my flexibility, a bespoke orchestration that moves with the fluid dynamics of your individual schedule. This adaptation ensures that the essence of our exploration remains deeply connected to the realities of your daily life, providing a seamless integration of the experience into the fabric of your life.

Cohabitation programs are charged at a fixed daily rate that varies based on several factors, such as location, duration, & work hours.

It is important to note that the cohabitation program is particularly made for those who have previously journeyed with me through an intensive program. This next stage is designed for the returning voyager, a soul already initiated into the realms of their own depths, ready to delve even deeper, exploring the dynamics of what it’s like to live with a loving partner. However, this sacred exploration welcomes every woman with open arms, inviting you into an advanced odyssey of self-discovery and intimacy, though some introductory and educational segments are not included.

Herein lies the opportunity not just to replicate the dance of partnership but to choreograph your own steps within it, guided by insight, empathy, and a profound connection.

Imagine an odyssey where each second is a thread in the tapestry of transformation, each moment a brushstroke on the canvas of awakening. My surrogate partner retreats are designed to be just that, where your old self is left at the door, and a world of sensual discovery and emotional rebirth unfolds.

Whether you choose a 24-hour sensual healing getaway or a sumptuous week of immersion, my retreats are crafted to cater to the depths of your being. Priced at $5100 per 24 hours, these retreats serve as a crucible, forging the essence of your being into something purer, stronger, and infinitely more radiant. At their core, my surrogate partner retreats are a sanctuary, a place where the chaos of the external world fades into quietude, where the whispers of your innermost yearnings are heard, honored, and nurtured. Embark on a journey that mirrors the intricate dance of life itself, a dance where healing and discovery move in perfect harmony. It’s a return to the essence of who you are, beneath the layers of societal expectations and personal apprehensions. As the days blend into nights, you’ll find not just serenity and insight but a rekindled fire within, burning bright with the promise of new beginnings.

About your surrogate partner

As your surrogate partner, I pledge to provide you with the highest levels of care and respect. My methodology is anchored by laying down a bedrock of trust, intimacy, and an atmosphere free of judgment. From this solid foundation, our sessions will unfold organically, free from constraints or concerns, all while ensuring a channel of open communication remains constant. My surrogate partner sessions are a place for you to embrace your true self, to inquire freely, and to express your desires without hesitation.