Boudoir is physical beauty  inner beauty therapy discovery freedom celebration empowerment self-love pleasure

Boudoir, originally a luscious lady's room, now refers to intimate photography. Carrying over the luxurious, relaxing, and intimate characteristics of a boudoir, this photography genre lets women feel like the superstars they are. The client and photographer work on an intimate level to create sensual, often erotic, pictures, posing in lingerie or nude. However, boudoir photography is way more than sexy pictures. It’s an experience. Behind every boudoir image, there is a story and the transformation of a woman realizing how AMAZING she is.
Bay Area boudoir photography


Boudoir is the greatest luxury experience a woman can have. You will feel like the center of the world, like the sexiest, most beautiful woman there is. Improve your confidence & self-esteem, break barriers and stigmas around sex. Discover and explore your sexy side. Fall in love with yourself from head to toe. Feed your soul. Become comfortable in your own skin, with who you are. When you love your mind, body, and soul, everyone in your life will benefit as well. Let's not forget, you can also share and gift your sexy pictures. Boudoir is the gift that keeps on giving.
Boudoir silhouette, seductive




Make your celebrations even better with boudoir. From birthdays to weddings, to achieving your goals or hitting milestones, boudoir lets you celebrate & capture the moment in a more intimate, thrilling way.



Heal and elevate your life with the power of boudoir. Improve confidence & self-love. Let go of emotional baggage, overcome insecurities, stop self-doubt, end body image issues, and get rid of shame & anxiety around sex.


Need a vacation? Indulge in my most voluptuous boudoir experience, a boudoir getaway. Stay at an amazing villa where the only person to please is yourself. Food, drinks, treats, & more, provided by yours truly. 



Show off your youthful flirtiness with a cute yet sexy boudoir set that is full of giggles & smiles. Forever young just got a whole new meaning. 


Classy pictures showcase your femininity, sensuality, & body in the most artistic & delicate way. 


In between classy and erotic, you get a feel for both worlds as you discover how enticing & sensual you can be. 


Pleasure in pictures. Erotic images capture everything. Your raw sexual energy without limits.


Comfortable boudoir photography
What is the key to a luxury boudoir experience? Comfort. My boudoir sessions create a stress-free, no-rush environment. Play your favorite music or have me load up my boudoir playlist that will set the mood and help you loosen up.








Quality boudoir photography
I use best-in-class equipment so that you may view your beauty in stunning resolution. All pictures and videos are no less than 4K resolution. Retouching is done one picture at a time by me for Hollywood and magazine worthy quality. No batch editing, filters, or outsourcing.








Private boudoir photography
In today's socially interconnected world, privacy is a luxury more than ever. I take privacy very seriously. That is why I handle nearly everything myself. The boudoir experience is meant to be confidential. Let's not forget, by definition, a boudoir is a woman's private room.









I am based in the San Francisco Bay Area, but have no fixed location or borders. I mainly work within California, but my travel extends far beyond the Golden State, going all over the United States and beyond.

I have access to a range of studios, but I often provide sessions on location. E.g., one’s home, vacation home, suite, or secluded nature.

For higher end sessions, I reserve a beautiful rental home or villa in proximity to my clients or at a destination of their choice.

For more information on locations, see my post on boudoir photoshoot location ideas.

Apart from obviously needing to be an adult, there is no right age range for a boudoir session, I welcome all ages over eighteen with the majority of my boudoir clients being around forty.

Boudoir is for any woman, from any background, with any career. That includes all family focused women: moms, soon to be moms, aunts, grandmas. Career focused women: from those in an entry level job who desire more from life and need more confidence, to executives, nurses, & doctors. For those healing from past traumas, for those who want to find their inner sexy, the list goes on and on. The point being, boudoir is for any woman, boudoir is for YOU!

No. Some photographers do photograph men in a boudoir style and call it “dudeoir.” I am not one of those photographers, I specialize in working with women. However, I can work with men in an erotic boudoir shoot for couples.

If applicable, the beauty stylist/artist will only be present until her work is complete, after which it will just be you and me.

A genuine boudoir session is an intimate and private experience; an experience that should only be shared between a woman and her boudoir photographer. If a photographer has assistants during the shoot, you’re not experiencing a true boudoir session, you’re having an extremely watered-down boudoir shoot, basically an ordinary photoshoot but in lingerie. Boudoir does not require a whole photo crew.

Think of a boudoir session like a nice fine wine. It is easily diluted by water, even one drop will change its whole structure. Sure, it is still wine, but you will not get the full taste of what the wine has to offer. It is no longer what it was meant to be. In boudoir’s instance, the water is adding more people to the room. Instantly removing vital boudoir elements such as the privacy aspect, and possibly the therapeutic aspect, including the listening, empowering, and connection.

I don’t prohibit it, but I don’t recommend it.

Inviting a friend to be a cheerleader or spectator will be too distracting while making things uncomfortable at various levels for everyone. The images will surely reflect this. They will appear overly staged and lack the genuine emotions one goes through when having a true boudoir session.

Having them wait outside the building is an option, but it may not be reasonable because a session can last several hours. Plus, you’ll be thinking about them waiting outside, which will make you rush, ruining your boudoir experience.

I sometimes mark/sign images when sharing them, for example, I may tag them before uploading to a social media platform. My work is marked with “Soltero” either in my logo form or my signature. My markings are elegant, subtle, and noticeable but not distracting. 

A considerable number of my clients do request that I include my logo or signature on their images. They believe that it not only enhances the artwork’s intimate touch, but also enhances its prestige. It’s extremely gratifying to know that they value and appreciate my work and branding to that extent.

If you so desire, you may opt for me to mark your images with either my logo or my signature.

Yes, I do all the editing myself and yes, I use Photoshop, but not in the way you might think. I don’t alter the shape or size of body parts. My photo body philosophy is: No lies, just angles & lighting. 
However, I do make adjustments to the lighting & colors, clean up backgrounds, and retouch the skin by removing temporary markings such as blemishes & clothing imprints. Upon request, I can also remove permanent markings such as tattoos.

Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors; I see every woman as a work of art. However, I also fully understand the insecurities we all have about our bodies, so it’s completely up to you. I usually say do not wait and book a session now. Many people are waiting for that “perfect moment”, I’ve realized those who live waiting for the perfect moment sadly never follow through with what they were waiting for. If you take action now, you are more likely to act sooner rather than later in other aspects of life. Let’s not forget that boudoir is all about empowerment, a boudoir session will give you the willpower you may be missing. Once you see how amazing you already are, you’ll feel more motivated to keep on improving. You can even have a follow-up boudoir session once you’ve reached a body milestone. Then you will look back and realize you were amazing then, and you are amazing now.

You do not need to have any posing experience. Doesn’t matter if you’ve never been in front of a professional camera. I will help and guide you as needed, where to look, what to do with your hands, etc.

Some poses may require flexibility and balance. We may do some stretching and yoga to relax and loosen up. If a pose is still unachievable, not a problem, we’ll simply try to modify it or move on to another pose.

Trust me, once you’re in the vibe, a lot of it will come naturally. 

Boudoir isn’t about lingerie, while lingerie is a boudoir staple, you can wear whatever you want or nothing at all.

Should you wish for an array of choices at your fingertips, my lingerie haul add-on is at your service. Together, we’ll explore a selection of pieces during your session, each one an entrance to an aspect of yourself perhaps yet unexplored.

Absolutely. Having navigated my own journey of shyness and awkwardness, I deeply understand that feeling. Rest assured, a boudoir session with me is a bridge to confidence. My approach is unhurried, embracing patience as a virtue, ensuring you find comfort and ease along the way.

You may benefit from a more powerful, focused session, check out my healing boudoir sessions.

I completely understand but let me tell you, there is nothing to worry about. The nerves come from doing something different, even if that different may be good for you. You’ve never done anything like this, of course it will cause butterflies. If you are someone who’s never been truly comfortable with your sexual side, it can be even more nerve racking. I want you to know that I will guide you and be with you through the entire process, from the day you first reach out, to the actual day, and beyond. This is a very intimate experience. I want to be someone you can trust. The trust that needs to be built not only for a successful boudoir session, but a fruitful relationship, starts way before the first picture is taken. We’ll cover a lot of things beforehand; I’ll listen to your requests, answer every question, and respond to every concern you might have. No question, concern, or request will go unanswered. I can reassure you that although it can be intimidating from the outside, once things start rolling it won’t be as scary and those nerves will be more about excitement than worry.

I understand that one of the reasons you may feel uncomfortable wearing nothing but underwear or getting naked has to do with me being fully clothed, while you’re wearing little to nothing. I realize that could be uneasy for you, and for some, it may even be perceived as belittlement or pose a sense of surrender of one’s authority.

In the spirit of intimacy and to alleviate any unease that might cloud our session, if it gives you comfort, or it will further enhance the experience, I can be in my underwear as well. This gesture is a testament to the fact that vulnerability is shared, not taken on alone in this space. It is an acknowledgement that we are on this journey together, navigating the ups, downs, and flows of comfort and expression, ensuring that the balance of power remains ever in your favor.

There are a few things you will need to make sure you do in order to have a successful boudoir session. Yes, preparing for something can be a bit stressful, but don’t worry, it’s easy and can be fun!

Firstly, I highly recommend you clear out a few days around your session date. Start shopping for outfits, it’s a good idea to start shopping for lingerie ASAP, especially if ordering online because of delays and returns. As a reminder, I can help with choosing outfits. Continue to eat a healthy diet that works for you while making sure to get enough water as well. Get a pedicure, a manicure, & a facial. You’ll then want to figure out what you want to do with your body hair. A full body wax is highly recommended but not required.

For a comprehensive guide have a look at my article: How to Prepare for Your Boudoir Session.

I love sharing my work to showcase your beauty and the beauty of boudoir, to inspire more women to have a possibly life changing session of their own. However, I will never share your images anywhere or with anyone without your approval.

Your privacy is very important to me. 

If you do choose to share, you can decide through what outlets I am allowed to do so. You can choose to opt out for certain mediums. Some of the ways pictures are shared include: sharing directly/privately with another client, showcasing your pictures on this website, my socials, portfolio, or publications. You can also decide whether you want to be attributed or not, and whether you want to use your legal name or fictitious name. 

Some women are ok with me sharing their images as long as their face is not fully shown, so that is also an option if you wish to share but be on the anonymous side.

Yes. For every friend you refer to me, you will receive a $100 Amazon Gift Card or $300 off your next session.

Yes! Possibly the best gift you can give to a woman. You’ll give them an amazingly unforgettable experience that no material gift can do.

I will provide a beautiful personalized digital image with their name and what they are receiving, which you can send to them.


Jonathan Soltero

I am a passionate boudoir photographer with years of experience. Through my lens, I capture sensuality and beauty in their purest form. I provide an empowering, intimate, and open environment, allowing my clients to reveal and embrace their sexual energy without bounds.

When I’m not shooting or editing sexy pictures, you’ll find me exercising, cooking, learning, writing, or absorbed in another art form, such as music.


Whether you’re looking to boost your self-esteem, commemorate a special occasion, or simply indulge in a moment of self-love, together, we’ll capture the essence of your beauty & sensuality like never before.